
Ep. 27: Oct 1982: Worm War I



A friend gets his first game published in Computers & Video Games! 6 other magazines this episode, and I try to dissect my first kernel game, Worm War I. Or is it 1? It’s a super important distinction. Magazines Atari 8-bit magazines Antic Antic Vol 1, #4 Compute! Compute #29 Paperclip by Batteries Included, reviewed by Wade on Inverse ATASCII Creative Computing Creative Computing Vol 8, #10 Ted Nelson Mail Project Byte Byte Vol 7, #10 Computer & Video Games C&VG Issue #12 Wild Strawberries Micro 6502/6809 Journal Micro #53 SoftSide Softside #34 Game Review: Worm War I Worm War I at Atarimania Tom McWilliams sold his first game for $60,000 Home page of David Lubar, author of the 2600 version Worm War 1 on Ferg’s Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast Sirius Software’s Atari titles at Atarimania Feedback Dog Daze Deluxe with 1 player mode Production Notes Music: Stef Animal's Bandcamp page Episode page: Episode 27 Twitter: @atari8bitgames