
289: give up your all or nothing mindset (life will get better)



In this episode, we chat about the all or nothing mindset? Is it time to let it go? We vote… YES!Stuff we talked about…In some circumstances, the all or nothing mindset works. But if you’re trying to welcome something new in, for example, daily exercise, this mindset does not serve you well.Some is better than none. For example, shorter and more effective daily movement is better than once in a blue moon massive workout.Oftentimes, when learning new things we get so focused on the end result. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, if you want it, you just go and get it! Even if you just have 5 minutes a day to dedicate to the goal.Being obsessed with our external bodies is a complete waste of time. It doesn’t achieve anything. You don’t contribute anything to the world when you’re so focused on yourself.If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram