Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

All for One... Spirit



In 1 Corinthians 2 - the Apostle Paul mentions the "Spirit" 13 times in 16 verses. It's a major focus of the chapter, and of Paul's letters in general ("Spirit" is used 149 times in Paul's 13 letters). But WHO is the Spirit? WHAT is the Spirit? And how does the Spirit work? In this Sermon, Pastor Kevin alludes to the multiple meanings behind the word "Spirit" (wind, breath, mind). He hones in on the meaning of "mind" - and acknowledges how all of our "spirits" (minds) can be easily swayed by the many voices speaking to us. But we want to be swayed by the One Spirit that we share - the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit's work is to point us to Jesus. If you confess that "Jesus is Lord" - you have God's Spirit in you! (1 Cor 12:3). But God's Spirit wants to keep moving in you until you not only confess Jesus as Lord, but start to look & act like Jesus in your world. Take a listen, consider the Spirit's moving in your life, and seek to "keep in step with the Spirit" (Galatians 5) in your life.