Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

Activity Rich and Impact Poor: Featuring Peter DeWitt



On your campus or in your district, do you have a lot of initiatives being implemented? What is the impact of each of those initiatives or programs? This week’s guest, Peter DeWitt, shares how relationship building and collaboration with teachers are the most rich actions by a leader and how you can have a greater impact on campus culture.    In this episode, we discuss: Collective Teacher Efficacy Flipped Meeting Model Instructional Leadership Tips New Book Announcement And Leaders Coaching Leaders Podcast About Peter DeWitt:Peter DeWitt (Ed.D) is a former K-5 teacher (11 years) and principal (8 years). He is a school leadership coach who runs competency-based workshops and provides keynotes nationally and internationally focusing on school leadership (collaborative cultures and instructional leadership), as well as, fostering inclusive school climates. His work has been adopted at the state level, university level, and he works with numerous school districts, school boards, regional networks,