Everything Is Psychological

Do You Do Christian Counseling? - Episode 8



In this episode we address the question I am asked which is do you do Christian counseling? I do believe that my faith affects how I practice, and I am able to bring faith and theology into counseling. I don't always discuss theology in sessions, but I make it a part of the therapy if the client wants it to be a central theme. We will talk about some approaches psychologists take towards faith and counseling, and we will discuss my process to bringing faith into the session. http://psychology-of-religion.com http://www.apa.org/about/division/div36.aspx http://www.aacc.net I also look at an article in US News and World Report about social media use and mental health in teens. Let me know what you think. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/articles/2015/07/31/too-much-facebook-twitter-tied-to-poor-mental-health-in-teens Connect with me at the following or leave me a review at iTunes: https://www.facebook.com/drneilstafford?ref=aymt_homepage_panel https://twitter.com/drseab info@drneilstafford.com