All About Grants At Nih

NIH Loan Repayment Programs – An Overview



Did you know that NIH can actually help pay off some of your educational debt? Up to $50,000 worth over two years in fact! Now that we have your attention, join us for this first in a two part NIH All About Grants podcast mini-series on the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs). Dr. Ericka Boone, Director of the Division of Loan Repayment within the NIH Office of Extramural Research, discusses the different extramural LRPs available, what exactly is “qualified educational debt” (and, importantly, what it is not), considerations for applying, benefits to participating, and much more. In our second conversation (coming soon), we will dive deeper into the specifics of developing your application. Please also check out the LRP page for eligibility and program information, send questions to, and follow them at #NIH_LRP.