Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

Nancy Leeds Gribble – From Stuck To Unstoppable Through A Healthy Lifestyle



In this episode, Jack talks with Healthy Lifestyle Expert Nancy Leeds Gribble about how she is helping smart, ambitious women around the globe go from Stuck To Unstoppable by creating a body and life they love living in.When it comes to dieting, the hardest part isn’t always losing the weight; it’s keeping it off that can present the biggest challenge. There is certainly no shortage of quick weight loss programs that promise to melt away the pounds and achieve that beach body fast. But the results are often fleeting, and many gain the weight right back when life gets in the way.Nancy knows that living a healthy lifestyle is not just about how you look but also about how you feel. That wasn’t always the case. Like many young girls of her generation, healthy nutrition wasn’t a concern to Nancy growing up. The only thing important to her was being skinny.Listen in as Nancy shares the personal tragedies she experienced in her 40s that shifted her mindset from just wanting to be skinny to needing to be healthy for