Waking Up In America

Happy New Year - Welcome Dr. Wallach



Dr. Val and Randi Have the honor of returning in conversation to start the new year with Dr. Joel Wallach, Well known Author and Founder of Yougjevity and who believes in long and healthy lives He is also the author of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie For a Directed Breath Session - go to DoctorValerie.com and schedule a complimentary appointment. Check out Happily200.com - it is guaranteed to blow away your views on aging no matter what your age and enhance the quality of your life. We thank BRAGG.Com & Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. Ear Coning at Coningcompany.com - Also check out Randi’s RandiShannon.com. TheWallach Files.com