Waking Up In America




We are standing for America. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the world, the light and love are at the end of the road and in sight. When brave women, men and children stand up and say no more darkness, something magic happens - Val, Randi & Chelene dialogue on the emergence of corruption in the world and what we can do about it and how the next few years are make or break for planet earth - it is up to us. For a Directed Session - go to DoctorValerie.com and schedule a complimentary appointment. Check out Happily 200 @ Happily200.com - it is guaranteed to alter your views on aging no matter what your age and enhance the quality of your life.We thankBRAGG.Com & Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. Ear Coning at Coningcompany.com - Also check out Randi’s 42action.org