Waking Up In America

Sustaining and growing your Church



Dr Val and Randi enjoy an outstanding visit from Walt Russel PH.D., author of Sustainable Church - growing Ministry around the sheep, Not just for the shepherds. He is owned in this lively discussion by Lon Kirkgaard, a descendant of Soren Kierkegaard and Lon Gibby, lay deacon in the Mormon church. Send us your feed back on this interesting show. For a complimentary Directed Session - go to DoctorValerie.com and schedule a complimentary appointment. Check out Happily 200 - it is guaranteed to alter your views on aging no matter what your age and enhance the quality of your life. We thank BRAGG.Com and Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. Ear Coning at Coningcompany.com - Also check out Randi’s 42action.org -