Waking Up In America

Hillary Clinton, Really?



Doctor Val and Lon Gibby have a dynamic dialogue on the coming elections. We think the elections probably won't happen this year - tune in to find out why and how we think this way. Randi does a drop in on her way to a spiritual conference. For a complimentary Directed Session - go to DoctorValerie.com and schedule a complimentary appointment. Check out Happily 200 at wakingupinamerica.com is Val's project at Landmark and it is guaranteed to alter your views on aging no matter what your age and enhance the quality of your life. We thank BRAGG.Com and Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. Ear Coning at Coningcompany.com - Also check out Randi’s 42action.org - you’ll love the information and the possibilities how to work with the correct legal documents that will give you the ability to take back your legal life. We are here for you.!!