Waking Up In America

Think Kindness



Randi is away celebrating her parents 50th wedding anniversary as Doctor's Val and Kathy Litochleb explore the power and generosity of kindness. It sounds like a simple thing and it is. When you offer kindness to the world, it can be contagious and that's what we are creating. Sometimes you will run into a cranky soul and you kindness is your kindness - not received. br if we all maintain our thoughtfulness and kindness, we can and will alter the future. The kind person also has characteristics of strength and intention. These actions will cause us to be happier people. br Check out Happily 200 at wakingupinamerica.com/200/ br this is Val's project at Landmark and it is guaranteed to alter your views on aging no matter what your age and enhance the quality of your life. br We thank BRAGG.Com & Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg.