Waking Up In America

Fresh Start



Doctor Val and Randi are hoping you will let Stewart Sank (a car salesman) with a most glittering and interesting past - enroll you in the possibility of regenerating yourself, body and mind from the ashes of the wreckage of your life. br He is very funny and a most interesting listen. Stewart and I have been friends for years and I never knew most of the things I heard from him 'til today. br Visit Happily 200 at WakingUpinAmerica.com/200/. br We thank BRAGG.Com & Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. br Also visit 42Action.orgwhere you can learn to access and use your legal rights. Hot new info every week. br Call Val at 310 455-8623 for a complimentary session of her PTST clearing process you can read about at DoctorValerie.com