Waking Up In America

Wrapping Up 2016



Val and Randi talk about the past year and the good things to come in 2016, which is a year of jubilee - Biblically speaking, this is a year of debt forgiveness. Many are saying this is a great year coming. We are taking the end of this year to complete and resolve as many of our issues as possible. br Have fun and check out our progress at Happily 200 - the site is Wakingupinamerica.com/200/ br We thank BRAGG.Com& Apple cider vinegar - founded by Health Giant Paul Bragg and the fine line of products carried on by his daughter Patricia Bragg. br Also visit 42Action.org where you can learn to access and use your legal rights. Great benefits can come from this - check it out. br Wrap up 2015 by checking out Valerie's emotional clearing and completion work. You can rid yourself from significant past issues right over your telephone - Call 310 455-8623 Pacific Time for a complimentary 30 minute demonstration.