Waking Up In America

Fighting the good fight - engaged in Life



THERE ARE SO MANY OF LOVING LIFE!!!! Join Val, Randi and Druanna as they engage in life and share the results with you. Step out of the paradigms you are caged in and unlock the door - to freedom and a new life - Druanna is loaded with possibility in the financial realm. You’ll love this woman from Thailand who will rock your world with shifts that she offers. The love of your life is you!!!!! We also continue the conversation on crowd funding - visit wakingupfundraiser.com and take a look at my Happily 200 project and then come on in with your own project. Invite others and everyone gets funded. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting sponsors - Kyani & http://feelbetterwithkyani.com/latest-byte/ * Bragg Health Products (the official drink of WakingUpinAmerica) * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Kyani Bytes * Visit * El Pinto restaurant in Albuquerque. * DoctorValerie.com * ConingCompany.com, * The Galactic Federation * Stardoves - email marketing * AquaChi