Waking Up In America

Shattering Paradigms



Join Val and Randi as they help you break the bars to your paradigm shift. They are all over the place. Fire walkers walk on fire without burning. People live much longer than reports admit. The Happy Healthy Hunzas had childrenat 115 years of age and so the paradigms drop when you look in the right places. Patricia Bragg will be joining us on Waking up in America this coming week and her father started the first health food store in America. We also continue the conversation on crowd funding - visit www.wakingupfundraiser.com and take a look at my Happily 200 project and then come on in with your own project. Invite others and everyone gets funded. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting sponsors - Kyani & http://feelbetterwithkyani.com/latest-byte/ * Bragg Health Products (the official drink of WakingUpinAmerica) * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Kyani Bytes * Visit * El Pinto restaurant in Albuquerque. * DoctorValerie.com * ConingCompany.com, * The Galactic