Waking Up In America

Gone today - Here tomorrow



From Doctor Val - For those of you who struggle with same sex relationships, perhaps you are unaware that 16% of our population is Gay or Lesbian and this ratio also occurs in nature as well. 2 examples would be Canadian Snow Geese and Dolphins - none of our animal friends have a problem with this - only our opinions cause damage to God’s Creations. I am inspired by Randy and Joe and if you read Randy’s book, I am certain you will be too. How many 35 year productive and loving relations do you have in your life? Randy Neece had it all: a successful job in Hollywood and a life partner in Joe Timko. But then tragedy struck when, in the mid-1980s, he was diagnosed with AIDS. With the total support of his partner, Randy somehow survived, and now tells his story with remarkable, unflinching honesty, inspiring readers to embrace their lives and their loves. Randall Neece has produced and directed television shows on CBS and NBC and for syndication. His documentaries and educational programs have been honored with