Waking Up In America

Rainbow Prophecy and Balance in the Universe



Raja Merk Dove, N.D., D.D. (far right) will join me live today with his TWIN FLAME, Moira (far left) who will be beaming messages from Venus … in the center is Sir Ian Sinclair, Grand Prior of the Knights Templars. Picture taken at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland near Edinburgh circa 2004, when the Doves were Initiated into the Ancient Order of Chivalry and Mysticism. Join Doctor Val and Randi as they enjoy the universe with Raja Dove, galactic peace ambassador. He honors the mother/father/goddess god and lets us know love and harmony are on the way. We are returning to a beautiful world as the illuminati leaves our space and love is a gift to us all. Enjoy Ra as he talks about his twin flame Moira and how she assists him from the spiritual plane. Enjoy the possibility of this conversation and let it touch the possibility in you. Fantasy is vision without action. Fantasy or vision, it is up to you. Please tweet me @valkirkgaard1 & RandiShannon during the show. Please feel free to contact me if you hav