Waking Up In America

Your Soul and Hunches



Join Val & Randi as they enjoy a conversation on Hunches and Intuition with Howard Wimer, author of Inner Guidance and your 4 Spiritual Gifts”. Please visit Howard’s work at InnerExpansion.com and discover his workshops for your soul. When you sign up for his mailing list, you get an energy of the week - this weeks energy is propel - do you feel it? - we love this guy and hope your soul enjoys him too. Howard is a great dad, a bold soul and a loving and inspiring husband and a new resident to the Hawaiian Islands. He had to be on the conference bridge at 3:45am to be on this call with us. He does what he needs to do to have life work for himself, his family & his soul. Please follow & tweet me @valkirkgaard1 Please feel free to contact me if you have any contribution to this serious situation. My telephone number is 310 455-8623 in CALIFORNIA, USA. Time to get into action folks and prepare for the future and handle the present. Write me Val@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we will share your comment