Waking Up In America

Breath & Act



Join Doctor Val and Randi as they let you know about what they do outside of being on the radio. Doctor Val developed a system in which she helps individuals and families complete their history from the present as well as ancestry issues. Originally licensed as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor, Val wanted speed up the process and successfully developed Directed Breath. One session of Directed Breath is equal to 5 or 6 sessions of traditional therapy. Call her for a complimentary demonstration at 310 455-8623 Pacific. visit DoctorValerie.com Randi is the creator of 42 Action and she gives you the language and information to function inside a legal system in which the deck is load against uninformed people. Learn how to find and access justice inside a legal system which operates with different rules than you might believe. The right language is everything. visit 42Action.org Please tweet me @valkirkgaard1 Please feel free to contact me if you have any contribution to this serious situation. My telep