Waking Up In America

Happy Galactic Valentine's Day



Randy talks about gold, Val interviews Michael and Laura and does her famous Tibetan chant for a broken heart. It is a wonderful Galactic show with lots of Goodies for everyone. You’ll love our Galactic conversations as a possibility and Laura and Michael will tell you about share info. about the newly formed Common Law Grand Juries in all 50 states. This very recent exciting event is a very significant historical moment in human history and allows the people of Earth to participate in Lawfully taking back our planet from the power elite/cabal. The Common Law Grand Juries will ultimately become a ‘planetary council’ connecting us to the Galactic Councils and helps us prepare for First Contact with our star families. Please tweet me @valkirkgaard1 Please feel free to contact me if you have any contribution to this serious situation. My telephone number is 310 455-8623 in CALIFORNIA, USA. Time to get into action folks and prepare for the future and handle the present. Write me Val@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we