Waking Up In America




Join Doctor Val, Lance Gordon and Randi Shannon are talking about Epigenetics, and what we get through our ancestry and how that affects us. You'll love this conversation and the ideas you'll consider, maybe for the first time. Here is a website where you can learn more http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/sep/07/epigenetics-heredity-diabetes-obesity-increased-cancer-risk Write me Val@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we will share your comments. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting sponsors - Kyani &http://feelbetterwithkyani.com/latest-byte/ * Bragg Health Products (the official drink of WakingUpinAmerica) * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Kyani Bytes * Visit * El Pinto restaurant in Albuquerque. * DoctorValerie.com * ConingCompany.com, * The Galactic Federation * Stardoves - email marketing * AquaChi - detox and energizing foot baths. * For your essential minerals Lance Gordon