Waking Up In America

Captain Zeller and the Phoenix - Part 1



Join the team for inspiring possibilities for your life. Aging or Ageless is a book for the ages. If you have not bought this book yet, you must. Ron Zeller has repeatedly arisen from the ashes and reformed himself. In May of this year, he was in hospice. He has now returned home and is busy leaving his contemporaries in the dust. This ability to regenerate himself is well presented in his book which is available on Amazon and hot linked on our Waking Up In America site. You may reach Ron for coaching (he is excellent) and interviews at RonZeller@gmail.com. Write me Val@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we will share your comments. You can also buy his books at Amazon.com. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting sponsors - Kyani &http://feelbetterwithkyani.com/latest-byte/ * Bragg Health Products (the official drink of WakingUpinAmerica) * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Kyani Bytes * Visit * El Pinto restaurant in Albuquerque. * DoctorValerie.com * ConingCompany.com