Waking Up In America

Phoenix Rising



Join Val, Randi, Luis and Mike as they talk about magic, miracles, Kyani and the resurrection of the Phoenix. Remember you can enjoy the life and transformation of this magnificent bird. It takes a unique view life to pull this off and this view is available in Ron Zeller's new 5 star book Aging or Ageless which can be purchased at Amazon by clicking here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_8?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=ron%20zeller&sprefix=ron+zell%2Caps%2C285 Enjoy - and regenerate yourself - Reading and applying this book will change your future in the most wonderful of ways, you'll see. We invite you to write us and let us know how what we are doing involves you. Write me at Val@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we will share your comments. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting sponsors - Kyani & http://feelbetterwithkyani.com/latest-byte/ * Bragg Health Products (the official drink of WakingUpinAmerica) * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action