Waking Up In America

Global Warming Crisis



Join Randi, Luis & Doctor Val as they explore the moronic idiocy that states have approved. New York City has floating human refuge they pump into the sea. California's Governor Brown Is considering fracking in the fragile ecology of the Santa Barbara Islands and the land of earthquakes. We do not need the fossil fuels. Take that huge lump (the size of Texas) floating in the Pacific. It can be recovered and turned back into oil. That should take care of us for a few centuries. Please talk to the morons in your state and say no to fracking and dumping in our oceans and on our . Also remember folks, there are cars that run on water and in Europe they sell cars that get 70 miles to the gallon. Start making noise and letting our governments they are not representing our best interests. We are dialoguing on vital issues and invite you to write us and let us know how what we are doing involves you. Write me atVal@WakingUpInAmerica.com and we will share your comments. We thank our sponsors: * Presenting spo