Waking Up In America

Who Killed JFK and who is killing us with food?



Join Doctor Val, Randi and Doctor Constantin as they interview Robert Stone, author of The Man Who Killed Kennedy. Murdering your rivals have been documented throughout history. Usually you know who the killer is. In the United States, we have taken misdirection of murder to a new level. The alphabet agencies always seem to have a scapegoat in the wings and the ability to construct false reports with the Warren Commission. Robert Stone is brilliant and most informative. In a different version of treason and murder, Monsanto is buying voters support of their abominable products and have been successful in California and Washington. Chicken hearted health food stores are selling these Genetically Modified Fruits and Vegetables without labeling claiming they need to be competitive in the market. I say their lack of information and their inclusion of these dangerous products in their stores should be punishable by prison terms or huge amounts of community service and education. It is one thing when criminals a