Waking Up In America

Waking Up In America Wednesday, November 6, 2013



Val, Randi and Luis dialogue on the violence at Los Angeles airport and here is the deal folks - the common factor in public death and violence is not the guns. It is the drugs which are being given to people regularly that have suicidal and violent side affects. People who wish to do harm to others will create other methods such as fertilizer bombs, poison etc to do damage if guns are not available to them. Notice that these gunmen actually put themselves into suicidal situations. Though some of the situations which have occurred are most likely black flag events, our continued use of prescription drugs will increase the damage and give ideas to people of the devastation they will be given credit for at their exits from life. It is a proven fact that a city which has never had a teen suicide will start having a number of copy cat deaths after the first suicide is recorded. You don't have to go far to verify this information as the drug companies list the side effects in their television advertising. We are