Waking Up In America

American Justice and Prisons



You gotta love Randi Shannon and Doctor Val as they discuss US law and American justice. Things in America have changed in the last 25 years. Of all the countries and prisoners of the world, the US holds 25% of global prison population. Many innocent men, women and teenagers are in private jails for the profit of the administrators. We thank our sponsors: * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42 Action * Tad Patterson's You Have The Right * Marketing with the Stars * El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) * Visit our good health oriented restaurant El Pinto in Albuquerque. * Emergency Management Solutions Global One Emergency Management Solutions Global One * Doctor Valerie * Coning Company and * Linda Kammins - Hair Recovery and scalp massages - Linda Kammins for making our programs possible.