Waking Up In America




Join Doctor Val and Randi Shannon as they dialogue with Da Vid Raphael, MD and founder of the Light Party and Artainment - You are in for a good surprise. Ideas sent to Val@WakingupinAmerica.com will be selected for reading on the air. We thank our sponsors: * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Tad Patterson's www.YouHaveTheRight.com * Marketing with the Stars * El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) * Visit our good health oriented restaurant El Pinto in Albuquerque. * Emergency Management Solutions Global One (www.emsgo.org * DoctorValerie.com * ConingCompany.com, and * Linda Kammins - Hair Recovery and scalp massages - www.LindaKammins.comfor making our programs possible.