Waking Up In America

The Vigilante Dollar



Join Doctor Val, Randy Shannon & Jeff Berwick as we toss a few bombs around. As Jeff was never indoctrinated by schools and television, he shares his un-programed point of view and enjoy all the interesting and informed places he took us on his sailboat. Join us for one of the most interesting dialogues you will hear. Ideas and questions sent to Val@WakingupinAmerica.com will be selected for reading on the air. We thank our sponsors: * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Tad Patterson's www.YouHaveTheRight.com * Marketing with the Stars * El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) * Visit our good health oriented restaurant El Pinto in Albuquerque. * Emergency Management Solutions Global One (www.emsgo.org * DoctorValerie.com, and * ConingCompany.com . Linda Kammins - Hair Recovery and scalp massages - http://www.LindaKammins.com for making our programs possible.