Waking Up In America

The Future Formula



Join Doctor Val and Randi as they dialogue with Will who is rather amazing. Over 40 years of entrepreneurial experience, coupled with an education degree and international certification as a business coach, give Will Mattox the ability to work with clients in a very direct and honest process to create accelerated growth toward their goals. “I love being a part of other people’s success and feeling that I contributed in a positive way.” You might want to listen to this one a couple of times to get all the goodies. Ideas sent to Val@WakingupinAmerica.com will be selected for reading on the air. We thank our sponsors - we couldn't do this without them. Thanks, guys,for making our programs possible. * Protandim * Sir Jason Winter's Tea * Randi Shannon's 42Action.org * Tad Patterson's www.YouHaveTheRight.com * Marketing with the Stars * El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) * Visit our good health oriented restaurant El Pinto in Albuquerque. * Emergency Management Solutions Global One (www.emsgo.org * DoctorV