Waking Up In America

Doing the Ghandi



Join Doctor Val, CW & Randi Shannon as they talk what is going on in America and the Republic. Enjoy the tools and technology they use to remain in faith and moving forward. Without each other, we will not exist. Ghandi told us how to move forward as a nation in a peaceful way and regain our country. Our Individual rights rights are being eroded on a daily basis. Through education and the practice of our rights granted to us from the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, we stand up and reclaim our homeland and we do it following the 10 commandments. If we do these things, we cannot fail. We thank our sponsors - Protandim, Sir Jason Winter's Tea, Tad Patterson's www.YouHaveTheRight.com, Marketing with the Stars, El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) and Emergency Management Solutions Global One (emsgo.org),DoctorValerie.com and www.ConingCompany.com for making our programs possible.