Waking Up In America

Join Doctor Val, CW and Randi Shannon as they dialogue on the de facto elections and the video of the California Free State October Meeting



Thanks to the investigative team at ABC 7 Dan Noyes and Jim O'Donnel and gotta love the FBI for their comments and work. You are letting everyone know what real sovereigns and the RepublicForTheUnitedStatesofAmerica are really about. Poor Mr. Potok of SPLC - one day, his uniformed point of view may cause him some serious embarrassment. He should check out his facts as his opinions are outdated and uninformed. I'd hate be married to that Guy. Once again ABC 7 thanks for doing a great job and Lawrence Buckley is terrific. We thank our sponsors - Protandim, Sir Jason Winter's Tea, Tad Patterson's www.YouHaveTheRight.com, Marketing with the Stars, El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) and Emergency Management Solutions Global One (emsgo.org),DoctorValerie.com and www.ConingCompany.com for making our programs possible.