Waking Up In America

Family Bibles/Commitment and Happy Birthday Jennifer Alexandra Kirkgaard



Join CW, Randi Shannon & Doctor Val as they dialogue on 50 year wedding anniversaries, family bibles and their value. This is an interesting look at the place bibles have held throughout our history. For your information, the November 2011 issue of National Geographic is all about the history of the bible. Upgrade yourself by getting a copy of this magazine. Doctor Val and Lon recommend highly the socially consciousness and very funny play Under My Skin at the Pasadena Playhouse. We thank our sponsors - Protandim, Sir Jason Winter's Tea, Tad Patterson's YouHaveTheRight.com, Marketing with the Stars, El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) and Emergency Management Solutions Global One - (Emsgo.org),DoctorValerie.com andwww.ConingCompany.com for making our programs possible.