Waking Up In America

Life/Death and Sisters



Join CW and Doctor Val as they dialogue on life, death & Val's sister Shane. Her youngest sister Shane died of esophageal cancer on August 31st. Her life was a story of courage, endurance and the love of her son David. This dynamic woman was struck down by a brain aneurism in her 40's which damaged the frontal lobe of her brain. Her life was a testimony to his persistence in helping her gain back her life after this debilitating experience. An artist person with many athletic talents, the stroke wiped her slate clean and she became a very simple person. At the end of her life, she was loved by her friends at the senior center and we suspect the resident pool shark with many good friends. We love you Shaney and you the ashes of your sister Pat will be joining your mom in the Cambria Cemetery very soon. We couldn't have found a better place for your eternal rest. God bless you honey.