Waking Up In America

Presidential Perks Gone Royal



Join Cw and Doctor Val as they have a very interesting dialogue with political insider Robert Keith Gray about the spending habits of our presidents. Obama has risen to new highs of expenses with his dog walker making over $100,000 a year. Find out where the money is going in this well researched book written by a man who worked for presidents from Eisenhower to Carter. The queen of England has a budget of 56 million per year. You'll be shocked when you read what this president gives himself and his family when our country is in deep financial trouble. We thank our sponsors - Protandim, Sir Jason Winter's Tea, LA Life Style, El Pinto Salsa (available at Ralph's) and Emergency Management Solutions Global One - (Emsgo.org),DoctorValerie.com and www.ConingCompany.com for making our programs possible.