Waking Up In America

Sir Raymond gives you A FREE HEALTH FUTURE



FREE BOOK IF FOR ALL WHO ASK AND SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO GET ONE. Send an email to val@wakingupinamerica.com and say, I want a free book on Sir Jason and his tea, include your address. In 4-6 weeks you will have a copy in your hands - no charge. Join us as Doctor Val, CW, Dr. Marvin Norman and Sir Raymond talk about his new book IF .CW and I have read this very informational and inspiring tribute to Sir Jason. Here is his son's birds eye view of a guy who wouldn't quit AGAINST IMPOSSIBLE ODDS. In his survival and radiant recovery from can**r he discovered a formula which very well could strengthen your immune system and revitalize your future. We thank our sponsors, Jason Winter's Tea, LA LIFESTYLE Emergency Management Solutions, ConingCompany.com, DoctorValerie.com, Roberto's Bungalows, Leo Delgado & Lendersfraud.com, Stardoves, El Pinto Salsa (pick it up at your local Ralph's) and Tad Patterson's You Have The Right - contact @ val@mailhouse.com - Protandim is found at www.MyLifeVantage.com