Waking Up In America

A dedication to Peace



Jane Goodall is 77 years old and travels 300 days of the year as a UN peace ambassador. I think you will enjoy the conversation CW Wright and I had with Jane last Wednesday September 25th. The team will return next week. Enjoy the interview and a great lady. We thank our sponsors, Jason Winter's Tea, Emergency Management Solutions, ConingCompany.com, DoctorValerie.com, Roberto's Bungalows, Leo Delgado & Lendersfraud.com, Stardoves, El Pinto Salsa (pick it up at your local Ralph's and Tad Patterson's You Have The Right for making these programs possible. www.MyLifeVantage.com/GoldenHeartsFoundation assists you in returning your cells to the aging speed of 20 in 30 days.