Waking Up In America

A Creative Mind



Join Dr. Val and the team (CW Wright, Ken Cousens, Kelby Smith, Debbie Ringchop and Dr. Rutledge) as they talk with Brian Hull, a man lucky enough to have Asbergers along with an IQ of 181. This cool guy can answer questions about electromagnetism, things electrical, & fuel savings, just to mention a few of his areas of interest. If you want to ask him a question, send me an email at val@wakingupinamerica.com any time until the end of the show on August 16, 2011. We thank our sponsors, Jason Winter's Tea, Emergency Management Solutions, ConingCompany.com, DoctorValerie.com, Roberto's Bungalows, Leo Delgado & Lendersfraud.com, Stardoves, El Pinto Salsa (pick it up at your local Ralph's and Tad Patterson's You Have The Right for making these programs possible.