Waking Up In America

The New Republic, Maritime Law and Accepted for Value



Join The Doctors for money, Val Kirkgaard and Debbie Rinchop as they talk with banker Arman Walker and Maritime law expert Tim Turner. Every Social Security Number gives its owner access to funds that are largely unknown to the general public. HJR 192 in 1933 made Americans turn in their gold, which would have been an act of treason and grand theft, had Congress not given our citizens a remedy to access their funds which were confiscated. 77 years later, this well kept secret is being shared due to the work of Turner, Riddle and many others. When you buy a house or get a credit card, the bank doesn't lend you the money, they access your treasury account and give you your own money. Outrageous as that may seem, under close examination, it is true. Accepted for Value is one of the processes available to you which allows you to access these funds to pay off public bills, such as: mortgages, credit cards, property taxes and student loans.