Waking Up In America

Voter Fraud and Acorn - what you can do



In September of 2000, Clint was first introduced to Tom Feeney the incoming Speaker of the Florida House. Clint was a programmer at a local computer company whose owner was an associate and confidant of Mr. Feeney. He expected that Mr Feeney shared the values of the Republicans he knew growing up in Illinois. Clint identified with the Republican values at the time - conservative and based on ethics and integrity. It was always the Democrats under Mayor Daley that were engaged in corrupt behavior. Clint expected that Mr. Feeney would share those values. Clint soon learned he did not. He is a board member of Progressive Democrats of America, and serves on the Executive Council of the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs including Press Secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign, Media Coordinator for the International Labor Communications Association, and three years as Communi