Waking Up In America

Humanity's Evolution in Wealth and Community



Join Doctor Val, Taki and Barbara, as we look at wealth, community, and the possibilities of the future. Barbara has helped create the field of conscious evolution. She wrote a first evolutionary networking “Center Letter” in 1967-69 to over 1000 people, working with Dr. Jonas Salk, Abraham Maslow, Lancelot Law Whyte and others to ask the question: “What is the next step for the future good?” She founded The Committee for the Future in 1970 in Washington DC., where she co-produced 25 SYNCON conferences for SYNergistic CONvergence. These advanced, multi media, multi-disciplinary events brought diverse people from every field and function together in a wheel shaped environment to seek common goals and match needs with resources in the light of the growing potential of the whole system. She wrote and narrated the Theater for the Future; a multi-media story of creation that places humanity in the story and visualizes what it might be like when everything we know we can do works.