Waking Up In America

Hero's in Action - a dialogue for community change



Join Doctor Val, Steve and Clint as they discuss vital issues in America today and invite the public to action. If we don't act. We will be acted upon. Steve became known to legions of election protection activists as the Diebold Whistle-blower in 2004. While working as a word processor at the Los Angeles office of the law firm representing Diebold in California, Heller saw documents proving Diebold was violating state election laws by knowingly peddling voting machine software that had not received the state certification required by law. All of the press related to his case can be found here. Clint Curtis is running for Congress in District 24 in Florida against Feeney, who is under investigation by the FBI in connection with his dealings with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) considers the race one of its top three targets for 2008.