Waking Up In America

The Pros and Cons of Bio Diesel Fuels – Special Encore Presentation!



Legendary entertainer, groundbreaking advocate of family farmers and working people across the nation, Willie Nelson, was awarded the 2006 Environmental Award for Outstanding Achievement. Willie was selected because of his work in making biodiesel available this year in California. The Willie Nelson Biodiesel Company, The Biodiesel Venture GP, LLC partnership was established in December of 2004. The idea is to dosomething useful towards eliminating America's dependence on foreign oil, help put the American family farmer back to work and clean up the environment we live in. BioWillie is the Willie Nelson s unique brand of clean burning, American made fuel. Nelson began promoting biodiesel on a national scale. As a founding member of Farm Aid, he has been a tireless advocate for farmers. Tune in as Willie talks with Val about the pros and cons of Bio Diesel fuels..www.WNbiodiesel.com