Waking Up In America

Neutralizing Mold and its Effects in your life



Join Doctor Val, Debbie Ringchop and Cherie Ross, as they learn about mold and allergies from - Ed Close, PhD, has served as environmental advisor to more than 15 Fortune 500 companies, has more than 40 years experience in the environmental field, is the author of technical papers, books, and the DVD: Toxic Mold A Breakthrough Discovery. At the urging of his wife Jacqui a Registered Aromatherapist, he began doing field tests to determine whether essential oils might offer a cleaner, greener option for mold cleanup and remediation. Mold exposure has been linked by scientific studies to allergies, asthma, sinusitis, headaches and many more serious diseases. The results of Dr. Closes tests prove he has discovered a simple, non-toxic solution that can help millions.