Beyond Birth

Ep. 95 The Age of the Queen with Jess Adams (s/h)



Did you know that the hormonal transition between having periods and when your period stops can last anywhere from 4 months to 12 years?! Did you know that there even was is a transitional phase that occurred prior to menopause?   While many have heard of menopause, they may not know a lot about it - even less so about perimenopause.  The two phases in a woman's life can often be portrayed as less than ideal - but in today's episode, you'll discover why they can actually be beautifully transformative phases of power and stepping into who you truly are.   Sharon sits down with Jess Adams, a Wellness Health Coach who specializes in perimenopause and menopause, and they take a deep dive into the following plus so much more:  They discuss:  The physiological and psychological changes a woman goes through. How our fear and stress of getting older can actually make our symptoms worse - and what we can do in our day-to-day lives to help combat our stress and anxiety. How to effectively