Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

5 Nos That Led to Better Yeses in My Life's Journey - #102



I recently got turned down from a job that I was really hoping I would get. It was one of those nos that stung. I had a backup plan though to deliver pizza for Pizza Hut and so I will be doing that instead, and I am pumped for what I will learn from it!This got me thinking though about times in my life where I have been told "no" though and how they ultimately led to better yeses. I could and probably will make an episode all about some lessons that the word "no" has taught me specifically.Here are the five stories that I told in this podcast episode, I hope that it is helpful for you. I also shared some commentary and other thoughts on the stories I shared for additional feedback and deeper learning. Hope you enjoy! 1. Not choosing to take the internship which then led me to working the potato farm job (which led to the creation of this podcast!)2. Not making the basketball team which led to me being the basketball manager which helped me learn lots of lessons about myself I consider foun