Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Massive Changes I Have Made From Last Semester - #101



Last semester was a VERY humbling one for me. I did like 8 podcast interviews and put out 24 podcast episodes total! Honestly I did not give myself enough of the credit and chance to enjoy the fruits of my labors and things as I could have... hence the burnout I kind of hit.This semester though we are taking all of those lessons and applying them. I have tried to pretty much do the same things that I did right from last semester and also switch around the things I was mistaken on (like working too hard without more play time).Here are the three massive changes I have made. I hope that it gives you some perspective as you start a new semester of school or just of your life in general.1. I am prioritizing my free time. - I am trying to make my free time the most valuable thing for me so I can get the recharge that I need. The play is to take little breaks throughout the day as needed and then self-care and chill out after like 8 PM. It is taking some time but I am figuring it out, but yeah this mindset shift ha