I Feel Snitty with Craig Rozniecki

Take a Look, It's in My Book, It's a Reading Promo - Part 13



Book #13 LOL at the GOP - Volume 6: Orange Is the New Crazy (2016) What do you get when you cross an elderly overgrown Oompa Loompa with a child on steroids? The 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Trump has taken his party and the country by storm as he smooth-talked his way past sixteen other candidates in the GOP primary by calling Mexicans rapists, mocking disabled reporters, and basically telling his next-door neighbors they're going to pay for a fence he wants to place around his own backyard. In this book, you'll read all about: Which state believes dentists provide abortions in addition to cleanings; whether or not Ben Carson thinks the Middle East includes the states of North Carolina and Virginia; why Ted Cruz appears to understand basketball about as well as sloths understand speed walking; as well as anything and everything that is Donald J. Trump. Yes, orange might be the new black in the world of Netflix, but orange has become the new crazy in the world of politics.   Books