Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

All for One... Morality



The theme for this week is "All for One... Morality." Oftentimes when people think about why they should live moral lives, they think, "I want to live a moral life to make God happy," or "I want to live a moral life so I don't make God mad," or "I hope that living a moral life means that I can still have fun." But, none of these ideas get to the fullness of why we would live moral lives as God's people. In this week's sermon, we hear Pastor Aaron repeat the Apostle Paul's words, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? You were bought with a price. Honor God with your body." Our bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit. God dwells within us. This ought to affect the way we live our lives as individuals and in relationships with others. Watch, listen, or read this sermon to hear more.